Kneeling and the National Anthem

Having read many posts and statements in the media about the NFL players kneeling during the national anthem, I decided, after seeing this article below in a post by a Facebook friend, to add some thoughts.  It saddens me that many people think of kneeling at this point as some sort of serious crime and an attack on the national anthem.  The Politifact article about the history of the national anthem at sporting events provides some very important insight into this whole issue.  It also points out that Kaepernick actually changed his protest from sitting to kneeling on the advice of a fellow NFL player and former green beret as a way to respect the military with his protest.

I think of kneeling as showing a sign of respect and humility.  So, I find it incredible that people are getting so angry about the matter.  The report below on Shepard Smith’s statements, from Fox News of all places, should make for some serious reflection and, I hope, a reevaluation of one’s emotions.

The Snopes web site provides more detailed information on the contact between Kaepernick and Nate Boyer, who led Kaepernick to kneel as part of his protest.  One other web site on this part of the story included a picture of a soldier kneeling on one knee with a folded flag in his arms and about to give it to the grieving family of a deceased soldier at the soldier’s funeral.  This is standard military practice at such funerals.

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